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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Blind gossip!

1) “Which celebrity has basically signed his life away because he is in love. The thing is he has agreed to have himself portrayed however the Executive Producer wants him portrayed in a reality show. Whatever it takes for ratings. Oh, and if the ratings do not improve, then he will be saying goodbye very soon. One more thing. He is getting paid scale. The minimum. Hardly anything. Tip money at the places she makes him go.” [CDAN]

2) “This foreign born actress who people either seem to love or hate is probably B- list here, but actually probably closer to A in her own country. Anyway, she has a new boyfriend and he thinks he is the only one in her life. He is a bit paranoid and jealous and he should be, because he is not the only guy in her life. I don’t blame her. She was in a long term relationship and wants to play the field awhile. She just does not want the new boyfriend to find out about the field playing.” [CDAN]

3) “What Oscar-winning actor is already being blasted as a deadbeat dad BEFORE his baby’s even born?! The brooding actor hasn’t ponied up for his baby mama’s prenatal care because he’s been too busy romancing a hot new gal!” [Buzz Foto]

4) “This D List celebrity from Reality TV is proud of the fact that he’s gotten three different women in three different States pregnant. Not so proud that he wants it published of course, which is why he’s promised each woman the world once he ‘finally hits it big,’ if they’ll just be patient and be quiet. However, at a hot tub party recently, the sleazy star bragged to friends about all the women he’s ‘put it to.’” [Buzz Foto]

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